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duminică, 8 aprilie 2012

Prieteni sau dusmani ?

Oare cati prieteni adevarati are un individ?
Atunci cand realizezi ceva minunat si vrei sa impartasesti reusita, si nu ai cu cine...Cand simti ca toate se izbesc in tine si tot ce vrei e doar o imbratisarea calda a unui prieten...Sigur ti ai dorit sa ai acea persoana langa tine si sa ii spui toate prostiile tale ce le faci, fiecare tampenie ce iti iese pe gura, dar tot ceea ce zici , sa poti fi inteles de cel ce te asculta..
Acum ca aproape toti dintre noi avem cont pe facebook, unii au nr la prieteni maxim, dar da mi voie sa te intreb: cati din 5000 de prieteni vor fi langa tine sa te acopere cand iti va fi frig si nu vei avea o haina ?..cati din ei iti vor da o bucata de paine cand poate nu vei avea nimic de pus pe masa ?..spune-mi te rog, cati vor avea rabdare sa-ti asculte necazurile, cati dintre ei le pasa cu adevarat de tine??Cati din ei iti vor sterge sangele de pe obraz cand vei fi ranit?? Mediteaza...

Acum, majoritatea nu stiu decat sa te judece, dar ei habar nau de probleme ce le porti si de toate ce ascunzi tu in umbra ta...
Auzi ca esti vorbit pe la colturi,de oameni care nu iti stiu decat numele. Unde s-a ascuns cuvantul" prietenie" ..unde a fugit "dragostea" dintre noi ?
GOD.....mandria si orgoliul asta ne cam orbesc :) Ce sa mai zic de indiferenta ? Este pe primul loc la unii .

sâmbătă, 7 aprilie 2012

Perfect lyrics

Now Hollywood wants to make you think they know what love is.
But I'm a tell you what true love is.
Love is not what you see in the movies.
Its not the ecstasy, its not what you see in that scene
you know what I mean? I'm telling you right now, true love is sacrifice.
Love is thinking about others before you think about yourself
Love is selfless not selfish. Love is God and God is love.
Love is when you lay down your life for another
Whether for your brother, your mother, your father or your sister
Its even laying down your life for your enemies,
That's unthinkable, but think about that
Love is true
I'll put you in front of me
So everybody can see
My love, this is my love
I know that I'll be alright
As long as you are my guide
My love, this is my love
Love is patient, love is kind.
It does not envy, it does not boast
It is not proud. Love is not rude, it is not self-seeking
It is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs
You see love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth.
It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, it always perseveres
Love never fails. Love is everlasting
Its eternal, it goes on and on, it goes beyond time
Love is the only thing that will last when you die
But ask the question why? Do you have love?

There is no greater love than this than he
who lays down his life for his friends
Now are you willing to lay down your life for your friends?
You're probably willing to lay down your life for your mother
your father, or your best friends
But are you willing to lay down your life for even those that hate you?
I'm going to tell you who did that
The definition of love is Jesus Christ. He is love
The nails in his hands, the thorns in his brow
Hanging on a cross for your sin my sins
That is love he died for you and me while we still hated him
That is love
God is true love, and if you don't know this love
Now is the time to know, perfect love

joi, 5 aprilie 2012